CSL-M Styles
IndigoBook (for law reviews)
A style for US legal materials, integrated with the IndigoBook project, an open-access restatement of the Bluebook citation rules. This version automatically generates footnotes, and is for use in law review articles.
IndigoBook (for legal memoranda)
A style for US legal materials, integrated with the IndigoBook project, an open-access restatement of the Bluebook citation rules. This version generates in-text references, and is for use in legal briefs.
JM Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note)
The Jurism version of the Zotero Chicago Manual of Style Full Note with Bibliography style.
JM Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, polyglot)
A multilingual version of the JM Chicago Manual of Style Full Note with Bibliography style. (It has not been updated in some time, and may require adjustment to suit local requirements.)
JM Chinese Std GB/T 7714-2005 (numeric, Chinese)
A Chinese style for technical and scientific writing.
JM Harvard - Australian National University
There are many flavors of the “Harvard” referencing style. This one is in use at the Australian National University.
JM IBFD Standard Citations and References (with page label)
One of a family of Austrian legal styles.
JM LegCit mit Rechtsquellenverzeichnis und Literaturverzeichnis
One of a family of Austrian legal styles.
JM Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (9th edition) / Manuel canadien de la référence juridique (9ᵉ édition)
The CSL-M version of the “McGill Guide,” the most commonly used citation format for writing on Canadian law.
JM New Zealand Law Style
The New Zealand Law style is the first legal style to be fully implemented in Jurism.
JM Turabian 8th edition (full note, EU multilingual)
This is a multilingual version of the Turabian style, suitable for use in writing for a pan-European audience.
JM Turabian 8th edition (full note, Dutch multilingual)
This is a multilingual version of the Turabian style, with Dutch as the primary language.
JM Vis Moot variant 1
Briefs for the Vis Moot competition have exceptionally difficult formatting requirements that make manual preparation of the list of authorities a considerable task, and one-click generation of the list impossible. This style produces a raw listing with embedded placeholders that can be converted to a properly formatted list of authorities with a pair of Word or LibreOffice macros. If you are involved in the Competition you should definitely check it out.